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Our Impact: Outcomes That Matter During

A Mental Health Crisis

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Evidence-Based And Proven

Every step of our services are informed by research. Whether referencing existing literature or collaborating with Universities to study our work, we are founded in science.

Mindfulness First meets Department of Education Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 criteria for evidence-based programming.

Mindfulness First works with ASU and NAU to ensure the efficacy of our programming.

Aside from external researchers, we employ a litany of internal qualitative and quantitative surveys to ensure the success of our programming, and we cross-reference statistics from the Department of Education, internal school data and qualitative information from our participants.

We employ similar practices with our community and business clients to ensure their unique needs are met.


 Results That Speak For Themselves

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 Impact Highlights

In 10 years we have impacted over 500,000 people in 7 countries with skills for life-long mental health wellbeing. We have directly served 424 schools that are largely Title 1 or SPED-focused. Here are some highlights and themes from our ASU and NAU researchers:

Schools have seen as much as a 93% reduction in suspensions.

Schools have seen increases in State Grades by at least 1 grade.

One study showed 94% of teachers reporting a reduction in burnout & depersonalization and 95% of teachers increasing in nonreactive measures, feelings of achievement and judgement.

Our example school was awarded A+ School of Excellence 5 years after implementing mindfulness school-wide.

Themes observed by ASU researchers include:

  • Teachers are better able to define and practice mindfulness.

  • More positive interactions are experienced with students

  • Expanded teacher self-care; improved collegial relationships

  • Ways of practicing and teaching mindfulness offered are creative, flexible, and personal

  • Practicing mindfulness has a ripple effect in everyday life.


 Industry-Wide Results In MBSEL


Mindfulness Benefits All Of Us

Our studies and experiences, and those throughout our industry, show common outcomes of Trauma-Informed MBSEL. Here’s a snapshot of those benefits:

Graphic showing Mindful Students and the featured benefits
Graphic showing Mindful Employees and the featured benefits
Graphic showing Mindful Communities and the featured benefits